Ryan Bellegante
Nami Ryu Seminar
Seminar topics will focus on Kenjutsu, Aikijujutsu and Nage Waza, with Breathwork in classical movement.
April 20th & 21st, 2024
Open to All
Sign Up deadline is the day of.
About Ryan Bellegante: A 20+ year student and teacher under James Williams sensei, Ryan has a wealth of knowledge and works well with students who have been practicing less than 15 years. He has been invited to Sato Bu Kan to foster knowledge and grow the fundamental skills of students in Seattle.
Sato Bu Kan Dojo
Alpha Martial Arts Ballard
7555 15th Ave NW, Seattle WA 98107

Weekend of Training - April 20th and 21st
Saturday 900am to 400pm with lunch at noon for 1 hr.
Sunday 900am to noon
Email: SeattleSamuraiArts@gmail.com
Call: (360) 550-2883
Or Book Online:
Dojo Calendar
Dojo Calendar
Skill, Mindset, and Strategy
Namaste Yoga Studio and Sato Bu Kan Dojo
18021 15th Ave NE
Shoreline WA 98155
Price: $150 per person
Three Days:
Mon Jan 16th 6-8pm,
Sat Jan 21st 9am - noon,
Mon Jan 23rd 6-8pm

Email: SeattleSamuraiArts@gmail.com
Call: (360) 550-2883
Or Book Online:

Williams Sensei will be in Seattle July 30th and 31st for a two day seminar. Please see the flyer for more details. One day will focus on knife work and the other day on sword work. This is an open seminar to anyone interested in Japanese arts.
Take advantage of this opportunity to train with the Black Belt Magazine 2015 weapons instructor of the year!